Banks of Sicily

Here are the parts for Banks of Sicily, which we will begin working on at an upcoming class. Here’s a 1963 recording of the Chad Mitchell Trio singing the song.  This is where I learned it.  Our arrangement is a little different but not far off. 09 The Banks Of Sicily (1964) By the way, … Read more

El Grillo

Lovely to see you all for our first session back!  Our apologies to those of you that found parking difficult.  We were unprepared for there being another meeting at the church on the same night, one much larger than ours.  This is very unlikely to be a problem in general as we think that this … Read more

The new Moon River arrangement

Hi All! Here is the new arrangement I spoke of, still challenging but not quite as weird as the earlier one we had struggled with.  As with the Agnus Dei, we’re now including sung vocal parts––individual parts and ensemble.  There is also a 3-part piano version if you want to hear it that way, as … Read more

Agnus Dei – with REAL VOICES!!

Okay, Folks!  We’ve decided to go all out and provide real voices on the parts for your listening and learning pleasure.  We’re starting with the Byrd 3-Part Mass, Agnus Dei and we’ll work our way through all our repertoire as quickly as we can. There is a click-track included in each voice part so you … Read more

Downloadable audio files?

Richard Brady came up with the idea of providing downloadable audio files so that anyone who would rather have them on their portable units or open them with another player on their computer can do so. Perhaps this will also solve the volume problem some of you are experiencing. That being said, here are the … Read more

And now….The Chocolate Song

For all you LVW chocoholics, here is the breakdown of parts that make up this velvety bean.  Each audio part begins with a 4 count click-in.  I’ve exported these files at a higher volume for those of you who have been having trouble hearing them on your computer systems.  I hope this will remedy the … Read more

New lower Aida parts-Now you can study in C Major.

That’s right, it’s no longer necessary to strangle yourselves on bars 54 & 55.  So, relax and sing it in a human key.  You deserve a break.  Please excuse some unpleasant noises in the 3 parts together version.  Gremlins, perhaps? Soprani: [audio:|titles=Aida chorus_Parts in C – Soprano] Alti: [audio:|titles=Aida chorus_Parts in C – Alto] Baritoni: … Read more