My Barber of Seville performance schedule

A number of you have asked where and when my Barber of Seville performances will be taking place, so I’m posting the schedule here.  It turns out they are all public performances so any and all are welcome to attend. That does NOT mean anyone should feel obligated to attend, comprendi?? 😉 Barber of Seville … Read more

Plan for Thursday, 31st May

Howdy-doo! We’ll continue working on the Byrd Mass, both movements––the Kyrie and Agnus Dei. We’ll sing Follow Me, Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes and Summer is A-Coming In.  We’ll also do some vocal work and sight singing, as usual. Also, here are the dates for our upcoming meetings: 7th June 21st June 5th … Read more

Food for thought: inviting your feedback

We’re evaluating how to move forward with our group, to keep everyone interested, feeling that they’re continuing to learn and develop, and also, from a practical point of view, keeping the numbers high enough to ensure a solid financial footing, so that people don’t have to keep breaking open their piggy banks to keep us … Read more

Plan for Thursday, 17 May meeting:

Hi Gang,

We’re instituting a new policy of actually making you all aware of what we’re planning on doing at our next meeting.  In advance!  Now, I know this will take the excitement out of it for some of you, the desire to fly by the seat of your pants on a Thursday evening but we decided it was probably the best way to go.

So without further ado:
For this coming Thursday, 17 May, we plan to cover:

1. Both movements of the Byrd Mass, the Kyrie and the
Agnus Dei
2. Follow Me, the madrigal
3. Summer Is A-Comin’ In, the round

Have fun revising!


Sorry, had to share this….

With all the bloody competitions out there trying to show how untrained people can and should be conducting in major opera houses or singing solos with major orchestras while us poor blighters are shelling out good dosh for tickets… ahem, sorry but I mean, really! Anyway, I found this somewhat amusing. And I’ll promote his … Read more

And now….The Chocolate Song

For all you LVW chocoholics, here is the breakdown of parts that make up this velvety bean.  Each audio part begins with a 4 count click-in.  I’ve exported these files at a higher volume for those of you who have been having trouble hearing them on your computer systems.  I hope this will remedy the … Read more