Secondate aurette amiche (from Cosi fan tutte by Mozart)

Here’s another one to be working on as I think we’ll be going back to this piece soon. Maybe it’s one to sing for our guests at our end of term party?  Well, no, probably not. Not enough time to rehearse.  Consider it a summer assignment.

Soprano audio

*Mind, this next one is labelled Soprano 2 but is the same as the Alto part.

Alto Audio


Baritone Audio

And now work with all 3 parts at the same time!

3 Parts Together

Lots of love!  See you all in September.

5 thoughts on “Secondate aurette amiche (from Cosi fan tutte by Mozart)”

  1. Think I might have to post some Italian word pronunciations to go along with this and maybe even a performance of it. Keep groaning along, Sheila. It’ll get easier. 🙂

  2. Thank you Paul I happily groaned through all of it and found it became vaguely familir, but completely unrecognisable
    James has bought me a lovely music stand which easily copes with my super folder, I really have enjoyed looking through that and singing along it does make life easier. Thank you both again for all that work. love Sheila xx

  3. Thanks for this upload.

    Amazingly I can still remember the part and even the dots are now making sense !

    ooer sounds like progress….



  4. HAHAHA! Well, ain’t that interesting. Seriously, I think this blogging thing is a good idea, then. It accomplishes what we don’t always catch or have time for in our sessions. Be sure you are following the dots when you listen to the audio. Then go back and sing without the audio. See you soon.

  5. Funny, the alto part sounds nothing like what I was singing when we did this piece!!! Guess I have a fair amount of work still to do – help!! Jen x


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